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- // {{MadCap}} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Copyright: MadCap Software, Inc - www.madcapsoftware.com ////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // <version></version>
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- if ( FMCIsDotNetHelp() || FMCIsHtmlHelp() )
- {
- window.name = "glossary";
- }
- //
- var gInit = false;
- if ( !FMCIsDotNetHelp() && !FMCIsHtmlHelp() )
- {
- gOnloadFuncs.push( Init );
- }
- function Init()
- {
- if ( gInit )
- {
- return;
- }
- //
- var masterHS = parent.parent.GetMasterHelpSystem();
- masterHS.LoadGlossary( LoadGlossaryOnComplete, null );
- //
- gInit = true;
- }
- function LoadGlossaryOnComplete( xmlDoc, args )
- {
- if ( xmlDoc == null )
- {
- return;
- }
- var glossaryDoc = FMCGetRootFrame().frames["navigation"].frames["glossary"].document;
- var body1 = glossaryDoc.getElementsByTagName( "body" )[0];
- if ( window.ActiveXObject )
- {
- var body2 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName( "body" )[0];
- if ( body2 == null )
- {
- return;
- }
- body1.innerHTML = body2.xml;
- }
- else if ( window.XMLSerializer )
- {
- var document1 = glossaryDoc;
- var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
- var xmlAsString = serializer.serializeToString( xmlDoc );
- body1.innerHTML = xmlAsString;
- }
- // IE 6.0+ bug. When loading the glossary, we replace the document's body with XML. For some reason, this causes
- // the 11th line of the document to not render in IE. This works around that issue.
- var masterHS = parent.parent.GetMasterHelpSystem();
- if ( document.body.currentStyle && masterHS.IsMerged() )
- {
- setTimeout( "SetGlossaryIFrameWidth();", 50 );
- }
- }
- function SetGlossaryIFrameWidth()
- {
- parent.document.getElementById( "glossary" ).style.width = "100%";
- }
- function DropDownTerm( anchorName )
- {
- var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName( "a" );
- for ( var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++ )
- {
- var anchor = anchors[i];
- if ( anchor.name == anchorName )
- {
- if ( FMCGetChildNodesByTagName( anchor.parentNode.parentNode, "DIV" )[1].style.display == "none" )
- {
- FMCDropDown( anchor.parentNode.getElementsByTagName( "a" )[0] );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- FMCScrollToVisible( window, anchor.parentNode.parentNode );
- }